Find out about 国外博彩app’s measles vaccine requirement, 以及其他推荐给学生的疫苗.



Immunizations, or vaccines, help protect individuals and communities by stimulating the immune system to recognize and fight specific pathogens, 比如病毒或细菌. They play a crucial role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and reducing the severity of illnesses. Immunizations contribute to achieving herd immunity within 国外博彩app, 使疾病更难传播. 


国外博彩app recognizes that measles is a very contagious disease that can pose significant health risks to members of our campus community.  为了保护你和整个苏大社区, 所有本科 students must 证明他们对麻疹有免疫力. 

All students taking undergraduate courses must provide evidence of immunity to measles (rubeola) - two vaccinations, both administered after the age of one and given at least 28 days 分离或阳性的血液(滴度)测试. 

Immunization submissions is completed on the 学生健康中心's online 患者医疗门户 

  • Enter the two measles vaccines and dates received OR the dates titer was completed. 
  • 上传所需文件. 

 如果你上传有困难, you may email, fax or mail to the SU 学生健康中心 but processing times are longer. 



  • 所有文件必须易于阅读. 
  • All documents must be in English (originally, or with legible English translation) 
  • 必须显示你的姓名和出生日期吗. 
  • Acceptable sources for the vaccination record include those from a doctor, clinic, state, military, pharmacy, 还有学校记录. 
  • Records from a doctor or clinic with the name of the provider or clinic and their contact information. 
  • 高中的免疫证书 
  • 国家免疫记录 
  • 军队免疫记录 
  • Yellow Card for international travelers if those vaccines have been stamped 
  • 消息来源不得接受疫苗的自我报告 


  • 实验室检测必须是风疹IgG(麻疹)血滴度 
  • IgM抗体将不被接受 
  • 实验室报告需要包括: 
  • 抽血日期 
  • 测试结果(阳性、阴性或模棱两可) 
  • If the result of the blood test is negative or equivocal you will need to receive two measles vaccines to meet the requirement. 

国外博彩app 形式  

1. 国外博彩app学生健康中心的免疫接种 (当前学生) 

  1. Log into the 医疗病人门户
  2. 选择免疫接种
  3. Click the green Print box which will result in a PDF with the immunizations you received at the student health center 

2. 国外博彩app学生健康中心的免疫接种 (学生活动) 

  1. Complete the 披露医疗保健信息的授权 Requires a wet signature or a digital signature such as through Adobe. 单独键入的名称将不被接受. 以电邮、传真、邮寄或亲身交回房委会. Please be aware that requests for information are processed in the order received and can take up to 2 weeks from the time received. 

3. 在西澳州的另一家诊所或药房进行免疫接种 - If you received your vaccine in WA state it may be found on the WA state immunization registry. 

  • Option 1: Sign up for MyIR to View, Download, and Print Your Family's Immunization Information
  • MyIR allows you to manage your family's immunization records securely online. 一旦你注册, 您可以访问 记录任何你需要的时间. 你也可以打印你孩子的 免疫状态证明书(PDF) 用于学校和儿童保育. You can do all of this without an extra trip to your healthcare provider or school. 

Step 1: Go to 开始注册过程. If you choose the Auto Match option and the system finds an exact match, MyIR will send you a verification code by either text or phone call. If an exact match is not found, MyIR will direct you to Step 2. 

Step 2: Fill out an 授权公布免疫接种纪录(PDF) or an Autorización para entregar documentos de vacunaciones (PDF) and check the box indicating you want to access your records online via MyIR. 将表格邮寄、传真或电邮至: 

PO Box 47843 

一旦我们收到你签署的表格, we'll register you in MyIR and send you a temporary PIN and instructions on what to do next. 当你完成的时候, you'll have immediate access to your family's immunization records to view, download, 或者根据你的需要经常打印. If you have any questions, please contact us at 360-236-3595 or 1-866-397-0337 or by e-mail at 

Above steps and more information about setting up your account are available at 

还有一个移动选项, but it does not provide an official document for a school if that is what is needed. 

4. 在华盛顿州以外的州进行免疫接种 - Some states have registries (Immunization Information Systems) that include adult vaccines similar to WA state which can checked at 

Possible situations and solutions if you don't have the required proof of measles immunity: 

  • 没有麻疹疫苗: You will need to start the MMR series which is two shots at least 28 days apart. 
  • 只有一种麻疹疫苗: You will need to receive an MMR vaccine which will meet the requirement for a second dose. 
  • 麻疹疫苗接种日期前12个月: You will need to receive an additional MMR, two doses must be after your 1st birthday. 
  • 麻疹血检呈阴性: You will need to receive two dose of MMR vaccine even if you have documentation of previously administered measles vaccine.
  • 文件未上传: Entering the dates on the patient medical portal is not enough, 文档也需要上传.
  • 非英文的疫苗记录: Vaccine record either needs official translation or you can have a healthcare provider who can read the vaccine record complete the 医疗保健提供者免疫接种表. 

是的,即使你的 account, 你仍然可以搬进学生宿舍. A hold will prevent you from changing your schedule or registering next quarter, but it would not prevent you from moving into the residence hall.  


大学是接受新事物和教育体验的时候, 但不要让疫苗可预防的疾病成为其中之一. 除麻疹免疫要求外, we recommend 国外博彩app students stay up-to-date with several other important immunizations.

  • 每个COVID-19疫苗 CDC 建议
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • HPV,比如加德西9
  • 流感(每年秋季流感季节开始时)
  • 脑膜炎MCV4,如Menactra或Menveo
  • Meningitis B, such as Bexsero or Trumenba (SU SHC has Bexsero)
  • Td/Tdap (tetanus diphtheria or tetanus diphtheria acellular pertussis)
  • 水痘(水痘)
  • 护理学院学生: 额外所需疫苗

We recommend you upload all your vaccine information to the online 患者医疗门户, which will be accessible by clinic staff when you're seen at the 学生健康中心. 中心提供除水痘以外的所有疫苗. For more information about the cost please visit 预约和计费.
